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LXC / contained


A LXC container using nested virtualization responsible for running the majority of my services that run as docker containers.



Hostname CPU Memory
contained 6 vCPU 24GB


Mount Point Source Mount Path Size Options
rootfs local-zfs:subvol-100-disk-0 / 8GB noatime
mp0 /storage/zpool10/downloads /storage/downloads - noatime;nodev;noexec;nosuid
mp1 /storage/zpool10/downloads/incomplete /storage/downloads/incomplete - noatime;nodev;noexec;nosuid
mp2 /storage/zpool10/media /storage/media - noatime;nodev;noexec;nosuid
mp3 /storage/zpool10/services /storage/services -
mp4 vpool-zfs:subvol-100-disk-1 /var/lib/docker 384GB noatime



Docker Networks

A brief overview of how I have my networking setup for Docker.


Type Gateway IP/Subnet IP Range
bridge - - -

Traefik binds to the host ports on LXC / Contained for HTTP(S) traffic that has been forwarded from firewall and proxies it to the appropriate container using this bridge network.

  • Containers that are part of this network can directly access other containers in this network using their hostnames and/or container names.
  • Using hostnames to network containers provides an IP agnostic way to communicate while reducing overhead of SSL.
  • Containers in this network are not publically accessible, access is controlled with Traefik acting as a gatekeeper.

**NOTE** All publically accessible containers should be part of the blackbox_containers network.


Type Gateway IP/Subnet IP Range

All containers which need anonimity should be connected to this network so their traffic is automatically routed through a VPN. It is prefixed with a_ because networks are added to containers alphabetically and this must be added first to be assigned as the default gateway.

**NOTE** All containers that want to mask the location of their traffic should be part of the a_transport network.

Installed Software