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Serial Console

Output to Serial Console

Make sure the kernel is started with the following parameter…


Dual Output

It is possible to have the kernel write to both the standard pseudo-terminal (tty0) and the serial console (ttyS0) by adding the following kernel parameters…

console=ttyS0,9600 console=tty0

View Console

It is possible to view serial console output using the screen command. With a USB-to-Serial adapter plugged in you may see a device called something like /dev/tty.usbserial-AG0JL5ZB that will act as the tty device.

screen /dev/tty.usbserial-AG0JL5ZB 115200,cs8,ixon

Parameters | | | | 115200 | baud rate | | cs8 or cs7 | Specify the transmission of eight (or seven) bits per byte | | ixon or -ixon | Enables (or disables) software flow-control (CTRL-S/CTRL-Q) for sending data | | ixoff or -ixon | Enables (or disables) software flow-control for receiving data | | istrip or -istrip | Clear (or keep) the eight bit in each received byte |