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VM / firewall (needs verification)


This VM is for running macOS via dedicated hardware so I have something faster than my laptop.



Hostname CPU Memory
n/a 8 vCPU 16GB


Disk Controller Size Purpose
vpool-zfs:vm-104-disk-0 ide0 1M EFI
local:iso/clover-r5070-03312020.iso ide2 n/a boot loader
Eluktronics NVMe SSD passthrough 1TB boot disk
vpool:104/hackintosh.qcow2 virtio 1TB old boot disk

The Eluktronics NVMe SSD is using PCI passthrough (hostpci2: in the LXC config) so macOS can run without any IO overhead. Because of a bug in the NVMe controller (Silicon Motion 2262) doesn't play well when it is passed through I added a fix by appending -set device.hostpci2.x-msix-relocation=bar2 to the args: parameter in the LXC config.

PCI Passthrough

Name BDF Settings
Fresco USB 3.0 Controller 0c:00.0 n/a
AMD RX 560 GPU 0a:00 pcie=1,x-vga=1
Eluktronics NVMe SSD 08:00.0 n/a



ID Name Bridge IP Address
net0 n/a vmbr0 10.0.4.x/21 (DHCP)